4550 Meadows Lane
Las Vegas, NV
4550 Meadows Lane
Las Vegas, NV
The former Toy's R Us was a perfect home for Shopper's World first Las Vegas location. Well-positioned in the Loma Vista Shopping Center, Shopper's World Las Vegas is only 5 miles west of Las Vegas Blvd and has been well received by the local community. Found Positioned west of Meadows Mall and south of Hwy 95, the property consists of over 38,000 sqft siting on 2.8 acres and boosts 175 feet of frontage on the busy Meadows Lane.
Shopper's World
38,931square feet
249 parking stalls
Meadows, Las Vegas
There is one right in, right out access point from Meadows Lane and several other egress points along the Loma Vista Shopping Center
Neighboring Retail
Fallas Discount Stores, Hollywood Furniture, Cardenas Markets, Meadows Mall including J.C. Penny, Curacos and Macys
Leasing Contact
Joseph Dushey